Results for 'Marjorie Hall Davis'

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  1.  76
    Structures of evil encountered in pastoral counseling.Marjorie Hall Davis - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):665-680.
    This essay explores some relationships between social structures or systems and the internal psychological structures or systems of individuals. After defining evil, pastoral counseling, and structures or systems, I present examples of persons affected by social systems of power who have sought counseling. I present a form of counseling known as Internal Family System Therapy (IFS) and show with an extended example how I have worked with clients using this approach. In this process the client is guided to use "Self-leadership" (...)
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    Beliefs of a Christian Minister in light of contemporary science.Marjorie Hall Davis - 1987 - Zygon 22 (3):361-376.
    This paper states the author's understanding of the doctrines of the Christian faith in the light of her scientific background and her interpretation of current evolutionary, neuropsychologi–cal, and other scientific theories. It contains the actual ordination vows and her response to them, based upon an outline of questions suggested by the United Church of Christ.
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  3. Guarantors ($200 to $999).Marjorie Davis, Charles Dickinson, NeilJ Elgee, Paula H. Fangman, P. Roger Gillette, William B. Griffon, Donald Szantho Harrington, N. Kermit Olson, K. Helmut Reich & Theodore Bowen - 2002 - Zygon 37 (3-4):766.
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    Contrasting Learning Psychology Theories Applied to the Teaching-Learning-Training Process of Tactics in Soccer.Grégory Hallé Petiot, Rodrigo Aquino, Davi Correia da Silva, Daniel Vieira Barreira & Markus Raab - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research in sport pedagogy and its applied recommendations are still characterized by a contrast between the different learning theories from psychology. Traditional theories and their corresponding approaches to the specific case of teaching and learning “how to play [team sports like soccer]” are subject to compatibilities and incompatibilities. We discuss how behaviorism as an approach to teaching the game shows more incompatibilities with the nature of tactical actions when compared to constructivism. As coaches strive to teach the game and make (...)
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    Aditus ad logicam: in vsum eorum qui primo academiam salutant.Samuel Smith, Richard Davis & Henry Hall - 1633 - Excudebat Hen. Hall, Impensis Rich. Davis.
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    (1 other version)Elementa logicæ: in gratiam studiosæ juventutis in Academi' Oxoniensi.Edward Brerewood, William Baker, Richard Davis & Henry Hall - 1628 - Excudebat H. Hall, Impensis Ric. Davis.
  7.  17
    Cutaneous perception of heroin addicts: Evidence of an altered temporal process.Robert J. Hall, Marjorie A. Rosenberger & Richard A. Monty - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):352-354.
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  8. A Free and Impartial Censure of the Platonick Philosophie. With an Account of the Origenian Hypothesis, Concerning the Preexistence of Souls. In Two Letters, Written to Mr. Nath: Bisbie.Samuel Parker, Henry Hall & Richard Davis - 1667 - Printed by Hen: Hall, Printer to the University, for Ric: Davis.
  9. In Thomæhobbii Philosophiam Exercitatio Epistolica. Ad Amplissimum Eruditissimúmque Virum D. Iohannem Wilkinsium S.T.D. Collegii Wadhamensis Gardianum.Seth Ward, John Wilkins, Henry Hall & Richard Davis - 1656 - Excudebat H. Hall Academiætypographus, Impensis Richardi Davis.
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    Plant chromatin: Development and gene control.Guofu Li, Timothy C. Hall & Rachel Holmes-Davis - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (3):234-243.
    It is increasingly clear that chromatin is not just a device for packing DNA within the nucleus but also a dynamic material that changes as cellular environments alter. The precise control of chromatin modification in response to developmental and environmental cues determines the correct spatial and temporal expression of genes. Here, we review exciting discoveries that reveal chromatin participation in many facets of plant development. These include: chromatin modification from embryonic and meristematic development to flowering and seed formation, the involvement (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Donald Melcer, Frederick B. Davis, Dennis J. Hocevar, Francis J. Kelly, Joseph L. Braga, Verne Keenan, Joseph C. English, Douglas K. Stevenson, James C. Moore, Paul G. Liberty, Thebon Alexander, Jebe E. Brophy, Ronald M. Brown, W. D. Halls, Frederick M. Binder, Jacob L. Susskind, David B. Ripley, Martin Laforse, Bernard Spodek, V. Robert Agostino, R. Mclaren Sawyer, Joseph Kirschner, Franklin Parker & Hilary E. Bender - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):212-225.
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    The Dancing MasterOrchestra, or a Poem of DancingA Primer for Movement DescriptionRhyme and Meaning in the Poetry of Yeats.Mary Francis Slattery, Pierre Rameau, John Davies, Cecily Dell & Marjorie Perloff - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):567.
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    Patrons—Philip Hefner Fund.Solomon H. Katz, William Lesher, Karl E. Peters, Don Browning, Marjorie H. Davis, Charles C. Dickinson Iii, Mary Gerhart, Daniel Jungkuntz, Patricia McClelland & Stephen Modell - 2010 - Zygon 45 (1):653-654.
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    Patrons—Philip Hefner Fund.Solomon H. Katz, William Lesher, Karl E. Peters, Don Browning, Paul H. Carr, Marjorie H. Davis, Thomas L. Gilbert, P. Roger Gillette, Melvin Gray & Lothar Schäfer - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):653-654.
  15. Trust in God: an evaluative review of the literature and research proposal.Daniel Howard-Snyder, Daniel J. McKaughan, Joshua N. Hook, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Don E. Davis, Peter C. Hill & M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall - 2021 - Mental Health, Religion and Culture 24:745-763.
    Until recently, psychologists have conceptualised and studied trust in God (TIG) largely in isolation from contemporary work in theology, philosophy, history, and biblical studies that has examined the topic with increasing clarity. In this article, we first review the primary ways that psychologists have conceptualised and measured TIG. Then, we draw on conceptualizations of TIG outside the psychology of religion to provide a conceptual map for how TIG might be related to theorised predictors and outcomes. Finally, we provide a research (...)
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  16.  48
    The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner.John A. Hall & Ian Charles Jarvie (eds.) - 1996 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Contents: John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: Preface. John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: The Life and Times of Ernest Gellner. PART 1 INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND. Ji_i MUSIL: The Prague Roots of Ernest Gellner's Thinking. Chris HANN: Gellner on Malinowski: Words and Things in Central Europe. Tamara DRAGADZE: Ernest Gellner in the Soviet East. PART 2 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM. Brendan O'LEARY: On the Nature of Nationalism: An Appraisal of Ernest Gellner's Writings on Nationalism. Kenneth MINOGUE: Ernest Gellner and the (...)
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  17.  35
    Understanding Stuart Hall.Helen Davis - 2004 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    'This is the most lucid and engaged account of Stuart Hall's work. Meticulously, and with an exemplary generosity, Helen Davis patiently unravels the threads of Hall's intellectual history. The result is a most useful and thoughtful book, which could prove to be indispensable for students of cultural studies' - Graeme Turner, University of Queensland Understanding Stuart Hall traces the development of one of the most influential and respected figures within cultural studies. Focusing on Stuart Hall's (...)
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    Exploding a myth: "conventional wisdom" or scientific truth?J. Dunning-Davies - 2007 - Chichester: Horwood.
    In this book Jeremy Dunning-Davies deals with the influence that "conventional wisdom" has on science, scientific research and development. He sets out to explode' the mythical conception that all scientific topics are open for free discussion and argues that no-one can openly raise questions about relativity, dispute the 'Big Bang' theory, or the existence of black holes, which all seem to be accepted facts of science rather than science fiction. In today's modern climate with "Britain's radioactive refuse heap already big (...)
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  19. Kopenawa’s Shamanic Parrhesia: Wasp Spirits vs. White Climate Epidemic.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Parrhesia.
    In a 2014 article in The Guardian, an Indigenous shaman of the Yanomami people of the Amazon rainforest named Davi Kopenawa offers a devastating critique of white society. It is formed of excerpts from multiple interviews, which form the basis of his memoir The Falling Sky, compiled and translated by his French anthropologist collaborator Bruce Albert. Here I bring the dual lenses of philosophy and dance studies to explore how Kopenawa’s lifelong interaction with white people facilitated his reworking of Yanomami (...)
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  20.  23
    Spinoza and the Sciences. Marjorie Grene, Debra Nails.A. Rupert Hall - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):166-166.
  21.  13
    Uneasiness: the line between Sterne's novel and Locke's essay.Paul Davies - unknown
    The paper notes the tendency and temptation for scholars and critics to find a justification in the novel for silencing or categorising Locke, and for lampooning or reducing to absurdity the project and the arguments of the Essay. It argues that such approaches can miss what is most interesting in the novel’s indebtedness to the Essay, and offers a reading of a famous sequence where Walter, Toby, and Tristram mention, quote, present, rearrange and redistribute one of Locke’s key doctrines, the (...)
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  22.  36
    The Hume Literature for 1976.Roland Hall - 1977 - Hume Studies 3 (2):94-102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:94. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1976 A fairly complete coverage of the recent Hume literature up to 1970 is available in my booklet, A Hume Bibliography from 1930 (York, 1971; obtainable direct from the author, post free, on payment of jé 1.25 within the U.K., c^3.00 or $8.00 elsewhere). Coverage up to 1975 is obtained when this is combined with the addenda and supplement published in the Philosophical Quarterly (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1977.Roland Hall - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):86-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1977 In my recently-published book, Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; ^ 5.50), the reader will find a thorough coverage of the Hume literature from 1925 to 1976, with lists of the main earlier writings on Hume, all indexed by author, language, and subject. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1977.· Readers (...)
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  24.  50
    A History of Chemistry. Forris Jewett Moore, William T. Hall.Tenney Davis - 1940 - Isis 32 (2):384-384.
  25.  38
    Histoire Générale des Sciences, publiée sous la direction de René Taton. Vol. II, La Science moderne . G. Allard, E. Bauer, G. Canguilhem, J. Chesneaux, I. B. Cohen, P. Costabel, M. Daumas, A. Davy de Virville, P. Delaunay, R. Dugas, L. Dulieu, J. Filliozat, R. Furon, É. Guyénot, J. Itard, A. Koyré, R. Lenoble, J. Lévy, Ch. Morazé, J. Needham, J. Rostand, J. Taton, R. Taton, M.-A. Tonnelat, G. Walusinski. [REVIEW]Marie Boas Hall - 1960 - Isis 51 (4):574-576.
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    Review: Marshall Hall, The Word Problem for Semigroups with Two Generators. [REVIEW]Martin Davis - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):259-259.
  27.  37
    The Hume Literature for 1982.Roland Hall - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):167-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:167 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1982 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the years 1977 to 1981 were listed in Hume Studies in previous Novembers. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of (...)
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    Ruth's Resolve: What Jesus' Great-Grandmother May Teach about Bioethics and Care.Amy Laura Hall - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (1):35-50.
    When thinking about the intersection of care and Christian bioethics, it is helpful to follow closely the account of Ruth, who turned away from security and walked alongside her grieving mother-in-law to Bethlehem. Remembering Ruth may help one to heed Professor Kaveny?s summoning of Christians to remember ?the Order of Widows? and the church?s historic calling to bring ?the almanahinto its center rather than pushing her to its margins.? Disabled, elderly and terminally ill people often seem, at least implicitly, expendable. (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1979.Roland Hall - 1980 - Hume Studies 6 (2):162-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:162. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1979 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship : A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; ¿J 5. 50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the years 1977 and 1978 were listed in Hume Studies for the last two Novembers. What follows here will bring the record (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1985.Roland Hall - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):429-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:429 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1985 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. (The book is still in print.) Publications of the years 1977 to 1984 were listed in previous issues of Hume Studies. What follows here will bring the (...)
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  31.  14
    A Scientist In The Early Republic, Samuel Latham Mitchell. 1764-1831 By Courtney Robert Hall[REVIEW]Tenney Davis - 1936 - Isis 25:154-155.
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    On Conceptual Sufficiency.Benjamin P. Davis - 2023 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 3 (1):120-148.
    In this essay, I read Stuart Hall’s idea of “politics without guarantees” as meaning that all concepts are saturated with history and that no use of a concept can prevent it from being co-opted. The contribution of this reading is that it shifts the task of critical theory: if all concepts carry limitations and can be used to advance domination, then critical theorists need not search for pure concepts or worry about how to prevent our concepts from being captured. (...)
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  33. Marjorie Glicksman Grene and existentialism's important truths.Marguerite La Caze - 2024 - In Christian Lotz & Antonio Calcagno (eds.), _Reading Continental philosophy and the history of thought_, eds. Christian Lotz and Antonio Calcagno (Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield, 2024). Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Marjorie Glicksman Grene (1910–2009) wrote on existentialism as a philosophy with a specific focus on the work of Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre. Her work played an important role in introducing continental philosophy to North American and British thought as she lived and worked on both sides of the Atlantic. While she gained her PhD from Radcliffe College, Harvard University, she also studied as an exchange student in Germany from 1931 to 1933, had a postdoctoral fellowship in Copenhagen in (...)
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    Jack E. Davis: An Everglades Providence: Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the American Environmental Century: The University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, 2009. [REVIEW]Doug Seale - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (6):601-609.
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    Walter E. Broman, Allan H. Pasco, Michael L. Hall, John F. Desmond, Steven Rendall, Robert Tobin, Marilyn R. Schuster, Tom Conley, Peter Losin, William E. Cain, Will Morrisey, Richard A. Watson, Christopher Wise, Stephen Davies, C. S. Schreiner, James E. Dittes, Michael Fischer, Eva M. Knodt, Karsten Harries, Robert C. Solomon, Stephen Nathanson, Robert D. Cottrell, Zack Bowen, Mary Bittner Wiseman, Edward E. Foster, Kathleen Marie Higgins, Richard Freadman, Patrick Henry. [REVIEW]Alfred Louch - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):323.
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    Philosophy in medicine: conceptual and ethical issues in medicine and psychiatry.Charles M. Culver - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Bernard Gert.
    Battle Hall Davies' brother Nick ran away from home when she was in high school. Now he has found her and she is going to stay with him for the summer before starting college. Battle discovers that neither she nor her brother is the person she thought they were.
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    Expressing Experience: Language in Ueda Shizuteru’s Philosophy of Zen.Bret W. Davis - 2016 - In Gereon Kopf (ed.), The Dao Companion to Japanese Buddhist Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 713-738.
    As the central figure of the third generation of the Kyoto School of modern Japanese philosophy, UEDA Shizuteru 上田閑照 has not only followed in the footsteps of his predecessors, NISHIDA Kitarō 西田幾多郎 and NISHITANI Keiji 西谷啓治, but has taken several strides forward in their shared pursuit of what can be called a “philosophy of Zen.” The “of” in this phrase should be understood as a “double genitive,” that is, in both its objective and subjective senses. Ueda not only philosophizes about (...)
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    Wedded to the Joint Return: Culture and the Persistence of the Marital Unit in the American Income Tax.Marjorie E. Kornhauser - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (2):631-653.
    The United States, unlike most developed countries, continues to use the marital couple as the taxable unit for its income tax. This continued use of the marital unit— like its original establishment —rests on cultural preferences. This Article suggests that the roles of marriage, religion and taxation in America are essential factors in America’s retention of the marital unit. Part I examines the distinctive contribution marriage — especially the traditional single-earner breadwinner marriage — makes to the political life of the (...)
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  39.  24
    Logic and the Nature of God.Stephen T. Davis - 1983 - Macmillan.
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    Judgment and Reasoning in the Child.Jean Piaget & Marjorie Warden - 1928 - Routledge.
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  41.  22
    The Incarnation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God.Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall Sj & Gerald O'collins Sj (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This interdisciplinary study follows an international and ecumenical meeting of twenty-four scholars held in New York at Easter 2000: the Incarnation Summit. After an opening chapter, which summarizes and evaluates twelve major questions concerning the Incarnation, five chapters are dedicated to the biblical roots of this central Christian doctrine. A patristic and medieval section corrects misinterpretations and retrieves for today the significance of the Council of Chalcedon and its aftermath, as well as clarifying Aquinas' enduring metaphysical interpretation of the Incarnation. (...)
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  42.  12
    Ernest Gellner: an intellectual biography.John A. Hall - 2011 - New York: Verso.
    Ernest Gellner was a multilingual polymath who set the agenda in the study of nationalism and the sociology of Islam for an entire generation of academics and students. This definitive biography follows his trajectory from his early years in Prague, Paris and England to international success as a philosopher and public intellectual. Known both for his highly integrated philosophy of modernity and for combining a respect for nationalism with an appreciation for science, Gellner was passionate in his defence of reason (...)
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  43. The least harm principle may require that humans consume a diet containing large herbivores, not a vegan diet.Steven L. Davis - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):387-394.
    Based on his theory of animalrights, Regan concludes that humans are morallyobligated to consume a vegetarian or vegandiet. When it was pointed out to him that evena vegan diet results in the loss of manyanimals of the field, he said that while thatmay be true, we are still obligated to consumea vegetarian/vegan diet because in total itwould cause the least harm to animals (LeastHarm Principle, or LHP) as compared to currentagriculture. But is that conclusion valid? Isit possible that some other (...)
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  44. The Gesta Guillelmi of William of Poitiers.William of Poitiers - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    William of Poitiers began his career as a knight before studying in the schools of Poitiers and entering the Church. He became a chaplain in the household of William the Conqueror, and was able to give a first-hand account of the events of 1066-7. The Gesta Guillelmi, his unfinished biography of the king, is particularly important for its detailed description of William's campaigns in Normandy, the careful preparations he made for the invasion of England, the battle of Hastings and the (...)
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  45. Thinking like an engineer: The place of a code of ethics in the practice of a profession.Michael Davis - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (2):150-167.
  46. Annual address delivered at the tenth annual convention, Cape May, New Jersey, June 28, 1904.Henry Edgar Davis - 1904 - [Philadelphia]: Printed by the Association.
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    A Biased “Radical” or a False Choice?James W. Davis - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):347-349.
    Björn Goldstein maintains that mainstream political psychology is biased by a materialist ontology, a position he contrasts with radical constructivism. I argue that the emergent field of ….
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  48. An Examination of Racialized Assumptions in Antirape Discourse.Angela Davis, Patricia Hill Collins & Kimberle Williams Crenshaw - 2003 - Studies in Practical Philosophy: A Journal of Ethical and Political Philosophy 3.
  49. Dancing-with Cognitive Science: Three Therapeutic Provocations.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - Middle Voices.
    According to the “Embodied Cognition” entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the three landmark texts in the 4E cognitive science tradition are Lakoff and Johnson’s Metaphors We Live By, Varela, Thompson, and Rosch’s The Embodied Mind, and Andy Clark’s Being There. In my first section, I offer a phenomenological interpretation of these three texts, identifying recuring affirmations of the figure of dance alongside explicit marginalization of the practice of dance, perhaps in part due to cognitive science’s overemphasis on cognition (...)
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    Why Trade?Davis Baird & Mark S. Cohen - 1999 - Perspectives on Science 7 (2):231-254.
    According to Peter Galison , science has a highly fractionated structure with multiple sub-sub-disciplines, each with its own agenda. Cooperative trading between groups is necessary for most scientific work to move forward, and it is this trading that preserves the stability of science. We argue that it is not trading per se, but trading in a gift economy that guarantees stability. We support our claims with an examination of contemporary work on magnetic resonance imaging instrumentation. Specifically, we consider: How a (...)
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